High Temperature Heating & Ventilating (HTHV) direct-fired 100% outside air technologies
HTHV with High Velocity Blowers provides destratification. Temperature stratification is a major issue in all high-bay industrial applications in the wintertime and must be addressed through the proper selection of destratification technologies. A recent study published by the Department of Energy titled
Field Study of High Efficiency Gas Heaters looked at the energy savings accomplished with HTHV 100% outside air direct-fired technologies. The report states: “As evidenced by the temperature readings near the floor and ceiling, the new (Direct-fired 100% Outside Air HTHV) gas heaters reduced stratification, maintained more uniform temperature distribution, and consumed 20% less natural gas.”
HTHV provides continuous or intermittent control options and heating and ventilating in a single unit
Direct-fired 100% outside air systems provide controls to operate either continuously or intermittently based on occupancy schedule, process conditions, pressure, or any number of other control requirements. There are actually three primary modes of operation for these HTHV 100% Outside Air Technologies:
- Ventilation/Exhaust Replenishment
- Space Heat & Ventilation
- Space Heat
HTHV provides pressure control design flexibility
There are many different ways to pressure control a building. 100% outside air direct-fired technologies are completely capable of being controlled at positive, negative, or neutral pressure. There is significant debate on what is the “best” pressure control methodology for a building in the winter. Negative reduces risk of condensation, and positive decreases draftiness. However, both methods increase energy consumption over neutral.
The HTHV technologies have become the gold standard for energy-efficient industrial warehouse heating in North America over the past 20 years. These technologies are now being launched into the broader commercial heating and ventilating market because of their energy efficiency and low installed costs.
The 100% outdoor air introduced through ANSI Z83.4 technology is designed and installed to improve the indoor air and environmental quality of the facility. Any level of required ventilation, including ASHRAE 62.1 levels, can be achieved and maintained through these technologies. Many offerings include optional MERV13 filters added to the inlet air of this device, further improving indoor air quality. ANSI Z83.4 equipment can be installed with a minimum amount of ductwork, providing an efficient and cost-effective installation. Additionally, the technology can be installed indoors or outdoors or in horizontal or vertical configurations, permitting added flexibility while always providing 100% fresh outside air.
Our website
cambridge-eng.com is a great resource for additional research on specialized high-efficiency equipment.
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